I have reading a lot on Forums on the Internet, but I can´t figure out how to solve this. The only thing you can see on the XMP/IPTC is the camerainformation.

But what happens to the metadata when I transfer them to JPG? I have also tried to convert the files to TIFF, psd and png and there is even then no metadata information. Depending on the file format you choose, additional options may appear. If you don’t see the file type you want, press and hold the Option key and click the Format pop-up menu to see specialized or older formats. Click the Format pop-up menu, then choose a file type. But then the metadata is not there?! I can see (in Nikon View NX-i) that metadata is being transfered to the RAW files. In the Preview app on your Mac, open the file, then choose File > Export. I open the NEF file in Photoshop Camera RAW, make some changes and then save as JPG. My workflow is: I transfer my images with Nikons Transfer 2, where I have different presets for metadata - XMP/ IPTC for different jobs / images. I have also upgraded my system to Mac OS Catalina if that can be the problem? Now since I started using Photoshop CC, metadata disappears, when I transfer the images to JPG and I can´t find it out why? Before I worked in an older version of Photoshop and I always did the same procedure and everything was working great.